by Leanne Purvis
If you had to choose which you felt like, either a grub or butterfly, which would it be? Maybe it just depends, like it does for me……
Some days I feel like a grub. I feel like I can’t do anything right, and nobody likes me or cares about me. At those times I just want to hide and be alone.
Other days I feel like I have wings. At those times I am a beautiful butterfly. I feel like I am soaring on great heights, and life is great and exciting.
If only I could always feel like a beautiful butterfly. If only I always felt like I had wings….
Reflecting on this, I realise there are some things that take away my wings. I feel like a grub when I perceive there is negative talk or belittling from others, I compare myself unfavourably with others and when I do not engaging in self care.
Similarly there are things that give me wings. I feel more like a butterfly when I see myself through God’s eyes, I count my blessings, being thankful for what I do have, and spend time in recharging my batteries through self care.
God made us all unique, so what gives me wings, may not have the same effect for you. It is important to know ourselves, to identify what makes us feel like a grub or a butterfly. For me, I feel energised by being in nature because such a wonderful creation requires a creator. It also is a change in scenery and routine for me, reminding me the creator of the universe is powerful and also cares for me. (Rom 11:36; 1 Pet 5:7). What gives you wings? Can you incorporate more into your life? What makes you feel like a grub? Is there a way you can limit those things?
Ultimately I believe it is our relationship with God that gives us wings (Is 40:31). Keeping our eyes on Jesus and being part of God’s plan, that all may know and worship Him (2 Pet 3:9; Rev 5:9). Jesus, the son of God, spent time communicating with God, so how much more do we? I have found the Bible as God’s living word gives me guidance in how to live today. I need to keep my eyes on God, seeing myself as His child. This is what will give me wings and pure joy. Then even what can seem by earthly terms as removing my wings, is actually what makes me a butterfly. Just as Jesus’ painful, unjust death on the cross held a greater joy, of our restored relationship with the Father and help from the Holy Spirit for those who accept it (Heb 12:2)
It is Jesus that takes the grub that I am and transforms me into a butterfly (2 Cor 5:17). He is my wings. May you also fly with Christ, alongside the family of believers.
Leanne and her husband are currently attending Bible and culture school in Tasmania in preparation for serving as long term missionaries in Cambodia. Their goal is to encourage the local churches, support the local pastors, assist with discipleship snd church planting, particularly in areas that have not had an opportunity to hear the freeing good news of Jesus sacrifice to restore us to life with the Father. For more details please see their website
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