by Cathy Ballantine
October and November are my busy period at work. The approaching end of term means awards nights for all the Boys' Brigade groups in Qld. Part of my role is managing the BB Uniform Shop, so I've been filling orders for badges for all the boys. It's great to see the quantity of badges leaving my shop. These badges represent the efforts the boys have put in during the year. They receive badges for attendance and participating in activities when they are aged 5-11 and the 12-18yos, receive badges that are more directly linked to activities, such as scripture knowledge, hobbies, expedition, sports, community service and more.
As the older boys progress through their years, they "level up" and build on the foundation of their badgework, with the ultimate aim to be awarded the highest award, The Queen's Badge. (I've talked about this before in my blog - The Queen's Man)
I was pondering and wondering what badges I'd receive in this life that I live, if we were to be awarded for our achievements. Good housekeeper? Maybe first level, I wouldn't reach a high level. Meal maker? My meals aren't Masterchef quality, but the family seems to like them. Good friend? I hope I reach a high level for that one. Imagine if we had to gain high levels of achievement in Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control? And let's throw in Prayer, Devotions, Church and Home Group Attendance. I'm not sure I'd even want to start figuring out if I would win the highest award for my efforts. I know I would come up short.
On the bright side, I can Praise The Lord, that He has made a way for me to achieve the highest award without me depending on myself and my achievements. I'm so thankful that He doesn't compare my walk against other people or expect me to report back on how much I have achieved. There are no "levels" of achievement to gain the highest reward. The requirement for the highest award was achieved on the day Christ died on the cross for my sin and I received that award on the day I accepted Christ as my Saviour. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosover believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life" John 3:16.
The Boys Brigade award scheme has its purpose - to help the boys focus, expand their interests, be disciplined in their desire to achieve. These attributes will help them as they mature into adult Men of God, to help them have a good foundation to discover the truths of God's word and understand the freedom Christ has given us.
As Christians, we have the Word of God to guide us and by focussing our attention, expanding our interest and being disciplined in our Christian life, so we can mature into Women (and Men) of God and appreciate the freedom Christ has given us.
Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."
Cathy Ballantine has been a part of the Qld Baptist Women's Team since 2010. She works part time as State Administrator and Uniform Shop Manager for The Boys’ Brigade Qld. Cathy is married to Matt and they have 4 children - Declan, Brenna, Jacob and Megan. They have been a part of Salisbury Baptist Church since 1999.
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