The Light at the End of the Tunnel

by Adele Huntington

“Search me O God, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you and lead me along the path of life. “ Ps 139: 23 -24 NLT.

Recently we rode through a series of disused historic tunnels on the Dawes Range Rail Trail. Fortunately they weren’t too long and we could see the light at the end of each tunnel. So I confidently rode into the first one with the help of my small bike light. Halfway through I had to get off my bike and walk as I couldn’t see the path immediately in front of me clearly enough. When I reached the end of the tunnel (after holding up the others!!!) I realised that I’d attempted to ride with my very dark sunglasses on!

As I rode on, I thought that sometimes we’re like that in life. We start out facing a difficult situation with great confidence that with God’s help, we’ll get through it — we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Then we allow hindrances of our own making to creep in and hinder us as we travel through these dark patches. We allow doubts, fears and unhelpful advice to creep in and darken our vision and hope, instead of trusting completely in God’s promises. It’s not always easy to consistently trust God as people like Abraham and David experienced; but God is faithful and He keeps lovingly calling us back to that place of trust and obedience. Maybe for some of us, it’s time to do some heart searching, then take off the dark glasses and trust God completely.


Adele Huntington - wife, mother and great grandmother is happily retired after many years of service with her husband in Baptist Churches and mission situations in Queensland and overseas. They love caravanning, riding their mountain bikes in interesting places and worshipping with God’s people at Gateway Baptist. Adele shares short devotional blogs on her Facebook page which come from her own personal devotional times and life experiences.

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