
by Larissa Westhuyzen

"Oh clap your hands, all peoples, Shout to God with the voice of joy."  Psalm 47:1

There was nothing special about this particular Sunday morning at our church.  In fact, it was probably a quiet morning by our standards; a single worship leader/acoustic guitarist and a room full of quietly reflective worshippers. 

In the few minutes between interruptions from my two energetic children and my wandering mind, God provided a supernatural focus on Him and His goodness which led to some special moments of worship.  

I was caught off-guard when, as my heart was swelling with God-ward affection, I felt a need to erupt into a cheer; one that would consummate the crescendo of praise rising within me for the victory won on the cross. 

Sadly, I found myself stifling this God-given urge. 

Due to the myriad of distractions, I didn't think much of it at the time. But in the quiet of the following morning, my thoughts drifted back.  As I analysed my actions (or more correctly, lack thereof), I realised my sinfulness and need to repent. 

I wonder how many of us have ever considered that our lack of action in response to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in corporate worship might require repentance?  

In that moment, my poor response betrayed my heart's allegiance.  I loved the praise of man more than God.  When I think of the persecuted church across the world who risk their lives to meet together and long to be able to raise their voices as I have the freedom to, it grieves my soul that I squandered this liberty.

But that is not supremely why my inaction required repentance.  You see, my lack of action actually made a statement.  Maybe not audible and certainly not even known to my brothers and sisters in the room.  But it was a statement to the Lord.  It was a brief moment of victory for God's enemy in the spiritual war at work over the affections of my heart.  It proclaimed that I didn't believe that the object of my affection, Jesus, was worthy of lifting my voice. 

Jesus, who's words carried such power that they commanded everything in existence to erupt from complete nothingness. 

Jesus, The King of the Universe who rules heaven and earth with no other equal. 

Jesus, to whom every knee will bow. 

Jesus who abandoned the comforts of heaven and became the God-man, an indelible change. 

Jesus, the one who lived a life of violent suffering which ended in the cross of blood-sweat inducing anguish to save me. 

Jesus who had no sin but became sin for my sake and willingly walked into the full force of the eternal wrath of God for the sins of the world. 

Jesus, who overcame sin and death and rose victoriously as the roaring Lion of heaven; who now sits at the right hand of God and protects and defends His people with fierce love.   

My God, who has poured out grace upon grace on His people history past, but which is a drop in the ocean of the grace He is yet to bestow upon His people in eternity future. 

My God, of whom the heavenly beings cry "Holy Holy Holy" all day and all night without ceasing.   

Is this God, not worthy of wildly extravagant praise? 

Hallelujah that God's mercies are new every morning.  

I pray that God would give me such conviction of His worthiness in corporate worship that I would respond accordingly and join with heaven in uninhibited praises of our great God. 

Can I implore you, as a sister who fails at this but someone with a hunger to see His bride worship her King with a passion that would make heaven cheer; reflect on your own heart attitudes to corporate worship.  Reflect with honesty and openness to the biblical picture of how heaven and His saints worship.  Allow our loving Father to show you where you may have been quenching The Spirit just like I did that day.  And pray.  Pray.  Pray.  Pray. Pray. Pray.  Pray for your heart to be so captivated by Jesus that it is set alight with passion that cannot be kept silent.  And I beg you, pray the same for our churches.  Let God be glorified by His bride worshiping Him as He rightly deserves.  

"Then I heard something like the voice of a great multitude and like the sound of many waters, like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, saying, 'Hallelujah!  For the Lord God, the Almighty, reigns."  - Revelation 19:6


Larissa Westhuyzen works part time as an Occupational Therapist in chronic pain management, and is the wife of Pastor Mike Westhuyzen of Enoggera Baptist Church. She has a passion for painting, worship and deep discipleship, and loves to spend her free time in the garden. She lives in Warner and is mum to two little girls - Lucy and Violet.


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