by Kellie Kinnear
The church I grew up in portrayed God as a powerful but distant being. With little knowledge of how important relationship is to God, I did not seek Him, nor did I revere Him as our creator. It was a blessing to learn around the age of 12, that I could have a relationship with God and that in fact He sought to have one with me. Yet even as I began to see God differently, I tended to view my relationship with Him through filters of finite, fragile and fraught human relationships. I questioned why I must endure trials when He had the power to change my circumstances. I had much to learn.
My husband and I eventually moved to a different church, a new denomination. In the ensuing years one of our pastors, a learned bible translator, would refer to Hebrew or Aramaic to give context and meaning throughout the sermons. Learning Hebrew words and phrases drew me deeper into the heart of God’s character. Illuminating His faithfulness, His perfect plan, and most importantly His desire for reconciliation, restoration, and relationship. I began to love the Hebrew language, especially the names describing the character of God.
Around this time, I was blessed to be gifted a book called ‘The Names of God - God’s character revealed through His names’ written by Lester Sumrall. It begins by explaining who God says He is. In Exodus 3:14, God says to Moses “say to the children of Israel, I Am has sent me unto you.” Biblical scholars believe the closest translation of the Hebrew word YHWH, the name God gave Himself as He spoke to Moses from a burning bush this day, is “I am who I am.” There is no translation in English to describe who God is, in Hebrew, YHWH is a verb that simply means ‘to be’.(Lester Sumrall,1993)
Like Moses in that moment, perhaps we struggle to comprehend, the breadth and length and height and depth of God’s character, but that’s OK.
Scripture is filled with reminders of God’s sovereignty and devotion.
God is Lord – Exodus 3:15
“God, also said to Moses, thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations.
God is faithful – Deuteronomy 7:9: Psalm 89:8; Corinthians 1:9
God is able - Daniel 3:17; Matthew 3:9; Acts 20:32; Romans 11:23
God is with us – Genesis 21:22; Psalm 46:11; Romans 5:5
God is love – Micah 7:8; Romans 8:39; 1 John 4:7-10; 1 John 4:16
God reigns over all, yet He wants us to know Him intimately, to be in relationship with Him. How amazing and beautiful!
It is a blessing to sit and ponder who God is.
Sumrall, Lester (1993). ‘’The Names of God- God’s character revealed through His Names.’ Whitaker House. USA
Kellie and her family fellowship at Minden Baptist Church, where Kellie coordinates Music Play at Minden (their community playgroup). She and her husband Sean have 4 children aged 11 -22. Her joy is to see women find freedom through knowing they are valued and loved by Jesus.
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