He Shall Reign


by Larissa Westhyuzen

“While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?”

4Jesus answered, “See to it that no one deceives you. 5For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are the beginning of birth pains.” – Matthew 24:3-8

Does this sound familiar to anyone?  As Russia invades Ukraine, volatility between China and the West are provoking rumors of WWIII.  Back in Australia the experts referred to the 2011 floods as a 1 in 150-year, extreme weather event.  And yet, the recent flooding event on the East Coast has rivalled the severity and destruction of 2011 floods.  I heard on the news this week of a family who lost their home in the 2013 floods.  Their rebuild was completed only one day before the latest floods destroyed it all over again.  It’s heart breaking.  And quite frankly, after the 2 years we’ve had in the trenches of COVID-19, an ominousness hangs thick in the air. 

I don’t know about you but I often catch myself shocked by the state of the world.  And yet, Jesus instructs us in Matthew 24, “see to it that you are not alarmed”.  These are birthing pains to be expected.  That’s not to say that we shouldn’t hope and pray for reprieve.  We absolutely should. However, Jesus is telling us not to misunderstand these groanings.  They serve as a signpost of the greater hope to come.  As birthing pains bring forth the joy of a new born life, so the birthing pains described in Matthew 24 will give rise to, as the bible terms it, “That Day.”  The day history’s final curtain drops as Jesus returns in eclipsing glory.  Many things spring to mind when we consider what we look forward to on “That Day.”  But let’s focus in on three biblical hopes that speak into our current world events. 

  1. The True King
    On That Day, the evil tyrannical leaders of this worldwill no longer have any power and the spiritual powers that incite these rulers will be destroyed forever. 
    Jesus, the true King, will be on the throne, unchallenged.  And I have good news.  He is not duplicitous.  He is not underhanded.  He is not greedy.  There is no darkness in him.  He is kind, wise, and good.  He is trustworthy and dependable.  He discerns comprehensively, making perfect decisions.  He is infinitely generous.  He is mighty and his hand is not shortened. Jesus is the king who humbled himself and suffered for the redemption of his enemies, inviting them to be brought into his family and inherit all his riches.  He was willing to do more than stand and fight with his people.  He saw our helpless plight, condescended to become one of us, absorbed the full force of God’s wrath for our sin and died for his people.  He doesn’t just send aid to the besieged, he left heaven on a rescue mission to bring the weak and suffering out from bondage and into a sure hope of the day their suffering will be no more. Jesus conquers his enemies completely and offers peace forevermore.  He is stark contrast to the leaders of our day.  
  2. Creation
    On That Day creation will be released from it’s bondage to futility and decay.  It will flourish in harmony with humanity, and under submission to it.  It will no longer rage as we have seen far too many times, but will be free to reflect God’s glory in worship. 
  3. Sin, sickness, sorrow and death will be swallowed up forever.  No more COVID-19, need I say more?

So, as we wait with eager expectation for ‘That Day’ all the while experiencing very real birth pain suffering, how should be respond?  We pray, we hope and we pray again. 

We pray for divine intervention to halter the evil, suffering and decay of this world. 

We hope.  When we are distressed by current events, let’s remember that they are a signpost.  Let us not lose heart but meditate on the hope that is to come only because of the blood of Jesus. 

And finally, we pray again as the last words of the bible implores us to pray, “Come Lord Jesus, come quickly.” 

“One name outlasts the ages
Through time His truth revealed
While kings may pass like shadows
Our God is sovereign still

And He shall reign

Forever and ever.” – He Shall Reign


Larissa Westhuyzen works part time as an Occupational Therapist in chronic pain management, and is the wife of Pastor Mike Westhuyzen of Enoggera Baptist Church. She has a passion for painting, worship and deep discipleship, and loves to spend her free time in the garden. She lives in Warner and is mum to two little girls - Lucy and Violet.


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