Feel the Fear

“…I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” John 10: 10

by Adele Huntington

From: Lessons on a Bike Ride FB Blog

When we set out on our ride it sounded very interesting - high plains, mountain huts, bubbling streams, beautiful scenery - but not far into the ride along a gravel fire trail, we encountered quite a steep hill which I climbed quite well with the help of my trusty e-mountain bike. Then I had to ride down it only to face another hill! Fear kicked in - what if I slip and fall on some loose gravel etc? So I turned back. Later, when I stopped and thought about it, it was just plain simple fear that stopped me from going on. I really could have handled it quite well - especially if I prayed my way down each hill as I’ve been known to do before!

The next morning, what should be the heading on the devotional for day but “Feel the fear and do it anyway!” We can expect to be faced with fearful situations from time to time. How are we going to respond to them? Some situations we do need to avoid eg a flooded causeway; but sometimes, like me, we know that we can do it with God’s help, but we just shy away from it. Maybe it’s as simple as taking a conversation a little bit further and sharing how God has helped, guided, blessed or healed us instead of just giving the “sanitised version.” God wants us to enjoy an abundant life, sadly sometimes we miss out on some of what he has for us because of fear.

(The photo doesn’t quite show the steepness of the slope.) 


Adele Huntington - wife, mother and great grandmother is happily retired after many years of service with her husband in Baptist Churches and mission situations in Queensland and overseas. They love caravanning, riding their mountain bikes in interesting places and worshipping with God’s people at Gateway Baptist. Adele shares short devotional blogs on her Facebook page which come from her own personal devotional times and life experiences.

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