God Does

by Kellie Kinnear

Are you tired? Worn out?  …Come to me.  Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.  I’ll show you how to take a rest.  Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it.  Matthew 11:28-29 (The Message)

I will not lie; the past seven months have brought a tumult of emotions. 

Being rejected is not pleasant.  Unknown outcomes leave me conflicted.

The exhaustion is palpable.  I am grateful not to be alone in my experience.

Hopefully, alongside rejection, there is an experience of acceptance for all of us.  In the past few months perhaps more than any other time in my adult life I have found myself seeking this common ground.  Leaning into those who will help carry the burden of weight that comes with being an outcast.  Gathering in safe places to air my grievances.  It has been a communion of sorts. 

A biblical example of this kind of communion is the disciples.  It kind of goes like this…Jesus chooses His motley crew; they do life together and exchange commonly held beliefs.  As the days pass, they experience rejection.  They could not have known the adversity that would follow them, but they have each other when the going gets tough.  They were always free to choose and despite this daily struggle, they keep turning up.  Jesus, their Rabbi, is the ultimate example of choosing rejection over acceptance.  Over years, over centuries in fact, others follow, the gathering becomes unstoppable, despite the continued persecution.

We read in the book of Matthew, a disciple of Jesus, a record of his master saying, “watch how I do it.”  What did Jesus do?    

He chose to become a servant and live among outcasts. 

He chose rejection from family and friends over fitting in. 

He chose the will of the Father over the desires of the flesh. 

He chose death, suffering the curse of a sinners cross.

How did He do it?  

Matthew also records these words from Jesus…

“Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.  Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly” Matthew 11:30 (The Message)

As I sit here in exile, how do I learn these unforced rhythms?  How do I learn to live freely and lightly?  Perhaps I choose like those first disciples did, to believe in my God given purpose despite the rejection.  I choose daily to follow the Rabbi who showed up, spoke up and ultimately gave up His life for mine.  I choose to trust in the word made flesh and hold firmly to truth, because Jesus also says this…

“The Father is with me.  I have told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakeable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I have conquered the world.” John 16:33 (The Message)


Kellie and her family fellowship at Minden Baptist Church, where Kellie coordinates Music Play at Minden (their community playgroup).  She and her husband Sean have 4 children aged 11 -22.  Her joy is to see women find freedom through knowing they are valued and loved by Jesus.


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