
by Kathy Sinclair

The Ancient Greek Philosopher Aesop said “No act of kindness is ever wasted” and more recently Mother Theresa said “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”

I think they are both right.

I did a quick review of my life – which sadly is beginning to take a little longer these days! – but I wanted to see what percolated to the surface for acts of kindness that have been shown to me over the years.  Many moments came to mind, people dropping meals, helping with the children when I was sick, praying with me –I’m so grateful.

My favourite story of kindness and the legacy it leaves, is about a man called Trevor Huddlestone. Born into a well-off family in London, he became an Anglican priest and felt God call him to work amongst marginalized and disadvantaged people. He moved to South Africa and was bravely one of the very earliest opponents of Apartheid. One day while walking through a township in Johannesburg, he saw a young black mother coming towards him with her little boy. The child later recalled this tall, white man, who stepped off the pavement into the gutter to allow his mother and him to pass by. Not only that, he cheerfully greeted his mother, swept off his hat and bowed his head to her. The young child was astounded!

The little boy was Desmond Tutu – who never forgot that kindness from a white man to his mother. That act of kindness truly left a legacy!

Proverbs 21:21 says:

“Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honour.”

Kindness was so apparent in the life of Jesus. I’ve always loved the interaction he had with the leper who said “If you are willing you can heal me”. Jesus replied, “I am willing.” I have always found that very moving. I also love his kindness to the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years, or to the woman caught in adultery. The list goes on! Always compassionate and kind, yet challenging people to change their ways.

We live in an increasingly polarized, hostile world where intolerance, road rage, ridicule of others abounds. As society has changed too often sadly Christians have been caught up in “culture wars” and we have by-passed kindness to get involved in aggressive arguments and even shouting matches, defending the truths of the Gospel. This approach has not worked, and the church has found itself increasingly marginalized and actually mocked when we have such an amazing message to bring! We’re bearers of the good news! Perhaps it’s time for us to re-discover the power of kindness not just in our own lives but as a community of believers, treating those with whom we disagree – maybe over the vaccine or whatever – with charity and civility, rather than anger and frustration.

Let me encourage you sometime soon to review your life, look at the acts of kindness you have been blessed by. Can I challenge you – are you a person who loves kindness, not just as a recipient but are you a giver of kindness? Are you pursuing that in your life? Is your heart to be part of a community of believers who relates to all people in a kindly way regardless of their view?


Kathy Sinclair is the BWAA Church Relationship Manager in Western Australia. Kathy joined Baptist World Aid in January 2019. She comes to the role having spent 11-years on staff at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Western Australia, as the Children and Families Pastor. In more recent years, she also held responsibility for overseeing the church’s mission ministry. Kathy has been a speaker for Christian Women Communicating Internationally (CWCI) for several years, where she enjoys the privilege of travelling around Western Australia to teach God’s word. She enjoys visiting church communities to share about the work of Baptist World Aid and how individuals and congregations can respond effectively to God’s heart for the poor and needy. Kathy is married to Mark and has two children and a daughter-in-law.

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