
May I flourish for you Lord

In everything that I do

I want to be my best Lord

And bloom brightly for you


Pull out the weeds that entangle me

Causing me to sin

May my heart soften

Letting your nourishment in


Fill those gaps with your love Lord

As I stretch my arms up to worship you

Just as a flower opens it’s petals

Fresh with morning dew


And as I bloom with your glory

Flourishing with your joy and peace

May I be strengthened knowing

Your love for me will never cease


As I flourish where I am planted

Drawing my strength from you

May others all around me

Want to flourish too


Psalm 92:12-13

12 The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar

in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God.



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