The Power of Words

by Mel McCredie

I have always found the power of words fascinating. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is a phrase I heard often as a child, yet I never fully understood it. Because in my world, words could hurt me. They still can.

Not only that, they have power. Words spoken over us at a young age often become what we believe about ourselves as adults. Harsh or unkind words can have a lasting negative impact, while kind and encouraging words can bring about healing and growth.

Words are an integral part of our lives.

God provides us with some insight when it comes to understanding the power of words. The Bible contains several teachings about using words responsibly. We are told not to let profanity or unwholesome talk come out of our mouths, but only what is helpful for building up others.

We have a responsibility to ourselves and to God to use our words with integrity.

We know that communication is the foundation of any good relationship. It is unbearably painful when we feel we are not being heard, or worse still if the words we do hear leave us feeling even more alone.

Our words have more power and influence than we give them credit for.

Without words, the greatest book ever written would not exist. Yet we tend to take this wonderful gift of words for granted, even though God tells us not to underestimate its value. A kind word can literally change someone’s life.

I try my hardest to watch what I say, but I rarely succeed in the heat of the moment. Most of us don’t. Yet as Christians, we are called to lift each other up with words. This is referenced in the Bible many times, and it encourages me to know that it’s always been a challenge for God’s people.

Words are a gift and it is up to us to use them as God intended.

The words I’m writing right now can be used by God if I surrender them to Him. Putting my thoughts on paper is the best I know to reach people. It is also a better way for me to express myself because it takes more thought and effort than speaking!

God, please help me to use my words to draw others closer to you.

Ephesians 4:29 NIV Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.


Melinda is a writer who shares her life experiences with God on her blog, She also has a self-published book. Melinda attends Gateway Baptist Church with her husband Drewe and two daughters.


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