
by Leanne Purvis

I love coffee. It is often the first thing I want when I wake up each day.  It helps motivate me to get out of bed and provides me with a sense of relaxation and peace. If I stay away from home, I often strategise about how to get my coveted cup each morning. The stainless steel coffee plunger was an essential luggage item despite the limited 37kg for relocating to Cambodia.  Once here, a friend kindly brought reusable coffee filters from Australia to help overcome the supply and cost issue of obtaining filter papers.  I had to strategise the expense of milk in Asia, transitioning to drinking black coffee before arriving. 

Even though I only have 1 – 2 cups a day, you could say I am an addict.  Coffee is what I crave each day.  Maybe you can relate. The numerous coffee outlets worldwide indicate I am not alone in my love for coffee.  Perhaps you crave coffee too?  Perhaps there is something else dominating your thoughts or desires…a new car, a slimmer body, more……. What is it you crave?  Has it become like a drug, something you cannot do without?

I was recently challenged when I read 1 Peter 2:2-3 “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.”  Wow.  Yes, God is sooo good. Jesus is the truth, the source of life, and the only way (John 14:6).  He offers so much more than coffee can! 

What a blessing to have life’s instruction manual (the Bible), and life coach (the Holy Spirit) to guide us, if we allow them space in our lives.  My day goes so much better (and I am a better person) when I spend more time in prayer and the Bible.  My outlook and perspective is much improved when I dedicate my fears and concerns to God, and invite Him to guide my day.  I see through Jesus’ eyes the hurt and wounded of this world, and take God given opportunities to share words of life of hope.  I start to crave knowing and loving God more, and sharing His freedom becomes spontaneous.

Imagine if we all did this. Committed each day to the Lord, craving His presence and will for our lives.  After all, even Jesus got up early to be with God, His Father (Mark 1:35).  He did nothing by himself, and only did what He saw His Father do (John 5:19-20).  We too then need to spend time with God so we know Him and can be like minded, and obedient.  In unity, we could achieve great things with God – what an honour! 

So let’s enjoy our morning cuppa with Jesus.  He is our friend and Lord, offering to take our burdens (Matt 11:28-30), with a plan for each one of us (Eph 2:10), which He helps us fulfil (Matt 28:20).  Now that’s worth craving!


Leanne and her husband Alan recently moved to Cambodia to encourage the local churches and pastors, assisting with discipleship and church planting.  They aim to partner with others to reach the unreached with the freeing good news of Jesus. To found out more, please visit

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