by Liz West
One thing about Facebook that comes up on my feed each day is Memories. I am amazed at how often I forget things that have happened in the past. Sometimes they are good, sometimes they are sad memories.
Last week, a day from 12 years ago came up that was a very painful time for me. I had left a job that I loved but had become untenable. I had arranged a visit with a Psychologist the morning of my last day at work. This helped me go in to work, clear my desk, hand in my resignation and leave. For the next couple of years, I wandered around unable to work, but desperately wanting to. The organization I worked for had many cars on the road each day, constantly reminding me of what was. I was angry and disappointed. It shouldn’t have been this way. I worked with Christians as well, which made the decision to leave so much harder. Suddenly, there was no more colleague interaction, none of my “friends” contacted me and I felt unwanted and unemployable.
Step in 2024 and I have been thinking so much about change. It happens all the time, wanted or unwanted, for the better or for the worse. It can invoke anxiety or happiness, concern or anticipation, pessimism or optimism.
The reasons for change can be many and varied including births and death, marriage and divorce, moving house, obtaining or changing jobs, growing up, growing old, making new friends, losing friends and so much more. These are everyday events that happen across our world, in our country, state, suburb and in our own lives.
What does God want to do with me during the changes that come into my life? How does He want me to deal with the changes? I, personally, don’t deal with change very well. I never liked it even when I was growing up. My father was in the Air Force, so our family moved 10 times by the time I was 15. In that time also, my younger brother was killed when he was hit by vehicle whilst riding his bicycle. Change for me became a source of anxiety, panic attacks, depression and fear. I look back over the past sixty ears and there is no doubt that God was beside me all along, encouraging me, testing me, loving me and showing me His loving kindness each step of the way. However, I was not always aware of it.
There are changes that form a major part of a believer’s life too that we also are not fully aware of. The moment I received Jesus into my heart as a 9 year old, I knew something was different in my heart. There was joy and a real desire to tell others what had happened to me. What I didn’t really understand was the eternal change that I received that day. I received eternal life. I received the Holy Spirit, even though I knew little about it. He sealed my salvation, He put a new spirit in me, He adopted me into God’s family.
Now, having walked with God for 50 years, what changes has He made in me over these years? Some aspects of who I am have not changed, but God has been working on those areas that need changing eg. laziness, procrastination, short temper, prayerlessness to name a few. How has He done this? He has given me plenty of opportunities to walk and talk with Him about them and to trust Him in the process. He has given me His Word as a guide to correct, reprove, instruct and inspire righteous living.
The greatest changes, I believe, are yet to come. We live in a world that is changing ever so quickly. What was a dream 50 years ago is now reality. I know that some of these changes are not so good and have the potential to derail me. The Bible, however, is very clear about what is ahead. A new world, a new heaven, a new body, a new life – something that absolutely boggles my mind. The Spirit of God comforts me with the prospect of what lies ahead, because sometimes it can overwhelm me.
Change may look very different to others compared to me. You may be the type of person that embraces change with gusto (which I envy), or you may fear change and think about the what ifs or what was or what will be. However, there are two comforting verses which I have learnt that are truly very precious.
Malachi 3v6 says, “I am the LORD, and I do not change.”
Hebrews 13v8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”
No matter what changes you have faced, you are facing now, or may face in the future, God was and is and will be with you.
Liz West is a wife, mother of 2 boys and a grandmother of 1 granddaughter and 5 grandsons. She is a lover of books, sudoku, rugby league and AFL and attends Bracken Ridge Baptist Church. Liz has a special interest in supporting victims of DV through fundraising.