Pressing the “Pause Button”

by Barbara Henning 

“Be still and know that I am God” – Psalm 46:10

The greatest gift we can give ourselves is to press the “pause button” of our lives for a while. That pause might be for a break for just an hour, or a week, or a break for a holiday or brief retreat.  Life tends to become congested with “stuff” that demands our attention, or that becomes a distraction for us.

From my personal experience as a daughter, wife, sister, mother, mother in-law, and now grandmother, the demands of life seem to be never-ending. Even when there has been the loss of a family member, “stuff” needs to be addressed, the routines of normal life still have to be seen to, such as, meals to be made, phone calls to be answered, washing to be done, work obligations still need to be met, and the list could go on.  It can often feel as if one is trapped on a never-ending cycle on the treadmill of life. 

We tend to self-create any number of excuses as to why we are unable to stop the treadmill of activity and instead, and we blunder on thinking that we are “superhuman.” 

Jesus had to take time out from all the demands around him, and if He needed to pause, then much more ought we too?

For each of us to be able to aim for being our best , it is absolutely essential for us to be intentional in pausing for how ever  long we might  need in order to be able to “…be still…” before God, and to contemplate priorities, for reflection to reflect, and to simply inhale and exhale. This brings to mind a phrase that a friend posted on her Facebook page: “…as long as you think, feel, or act as if there is nothing you can do about your situation, you will remain stuck.”

As I contemplate the verse in Psalm 46:10, the words give me courage, strength, resilience as they build up my faith, my understanding, and a deeper awareness of the “I Am” God, while at the same time sensing His Presence and the Power of the Holy Spirit in my life.

  • Be still: Encourages us to cease our striving and, our effort, and to “rest” in God’s presence. This is a call to “quiet” both our minds and hearts, and to create space and time for God to be able to speak and work in our lives. “Being still" allows us to surrender our worries and efforts in our attempt at controlling our circumstances.
  • Know: This implies means more than mere intellectual understanding; rather, it implies a personal and intimate knowledge of God that comes from a personal relationship with Him.
  • I Am: God is declaring His identity.  God is eternal; He is unchanging; He is in control; He is love; He is my hope; He is my fortress; He is ever-present; He is my help in times of troubles: He will lead me; He will nourish me: He is my Father: He will protect me, and He will restore me.

My challenge to all of you readers is…are you willing to make the choice to press the “pause button” for a while for you to bring about meaningful change.


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